June 9, 2010

My Week to celebrate the Launch of Carina Press continues with an interview with the awesomely lovely debut author Ginny Glass. I hope you'll all join me in welcoming Ginny, author of the first book in the Dirty Laundry series, Coin Operated. (Oh and don't forget to check out the CarinaWeek giveaway at the end of this post)

Let’s start with some QUICKIES to warm up…

Coffee or Tea?
Is this where I say “or me?”
Coffee. In mass quantities. Daily. Usually black, unless some spectacularly exotic creamer comes along.

Twitter or Facebook?
Twitter. Facebook has too many gizmos for me! I don’t want to farm, I don’t want to be a mobster, I don’t want to poke anyone virtually. I just want to impose my silliness on the public in creatively character-restricted ways. That said, I have both, I just frequent twitter more often.

Digital or Print?
I profess a genuine excitement for both. I love to hold a physical book in my hands, and there is something about the smell of books that you just can’t replace.

However, Carina Press digital-first is such an innovative direction for Harlequin to take; I’m thrilled to be part of it. The immediacy of product availability via digital publishing is a big, big plus for authors and readers both. The digital market gives platform to new genres, new voices and more range than I feel is commonly available in a brick and mortar store.

I’m looking forward to a long and satisfying career in digital publishing, but I think every author yearns to see his or her name in print. We’ll see where the industry takes me!

Pantser or Plotter?
Rabid pantser, and I usually write a sex scene first, no matter where it eventually ends up in the book.

Cookies or Chocolate?
White chocolate macadamia nut cookies.

Q. Please could you start by telling us a bit about yourself?
Sure! I’m twenty eight, I’m a Sagittarius…(oh, wait, this isn’t a date!). I grew up in rural Tennessee; I’m a transplant to Arizona and I love it here. I’m loud and silly in real life. I love to cook. I love anything vintage. I have a mutt dog named Piper who randomly eats bizarre items from around my house and I have a husband who is part comic book geek and part romance novel hero.

Q. Your book COIN OPERATED comes out June 7th. This is your debut book and the first in the Dirty Laundry Series. Please tell us a bit about this book and the series.
Coin Operated is the first in Carina’s Dirty Laundry line – all about hot secrets and taboo desires! It’s a marvelous theme premise. Not only are there three books coming already, but myself and Inez Kelley, we’re writing like mad on at least three more! I see a lot of Dirty Laundry in the future, ideas for the line are nearly endless.

Here’s a blurb for Coin Operated:

When Elijah Elliot leaves a cushy job at a prestigious Atlanta advertising firm to strike out on his own, he recruits co-worker Beatrix London as his business partner. She’s smart, capable and, turns out, mouth-wateringly tempting. Now Eli has to keep his hands to himself, despite the very vivid daydreams he has involving his deliciously attentive associate. Daydreams that involve less administrative duties and more “yes, sirs” - less clothing and much more personal “activity reports”.

Bea’s attention to detail has only part to do with her work ethic. From the moment she first laid eyes on Elijah, Bea has had some pretty lathered-up fantasies about her brooding coworker. When a racy new advertising campaign sparks a test of their boundaries, Bea pushes Eli to cross the line he’s drawn between them – the one that keeps him from doing all the hot, sinful things she imagines he’s capable of.

A kiss that could ignite a cubicle’s carpet leaves Bea wanting more than Eli is willing to give. Eli’s reticence isn’t strictly an objection to a little office hanky-panky; his desire for Bea runs to the darker side of vanilla, and the gentleman in him just can’t seem to embrace the inner beast. But during a sexy showdown in a laundry room, everything comes out in the wash-- hot, steamy and coin operated!
Note from interviewer: I had the pleasure of advance reviewing this book for ROOB. Click HERE for the review!

Q. I know book 2 in the series is co-written with Inez Kelley. Could you tell us a bit about what it’s like to write a book with someone else?
I loved it. I think with the right writing partner, cowriting can be easier than writing solo. You have someone there to motivate you, to bounce ideas off of, to pass the manuscript to when you’re exhausted from real life and to talk you off the ledge when you want to delete the whole damned thing and start from a blank Word file.
Inez is smart, dedicated and hilarious. We get along well, our personalities are similar and we temper each other’s writing flaws – she pushes me to be more daring and I (try to) rein in her purple prose.

Q. How long have you been writing, and how did you get your start?
I’ve only been writing romance for about a year and a half. I have written some short fiction, but not with any romantic elements. I’ve always been an avid romance reader and one day I just decided to try my hand – hey, if I could tear through a Harlequin book in a day, surely I could write one in a matter of weeks? So, so wrong. I joined the writer’s forum Romance Divas to learn whatever I could about the industry and the craft of romance writing. Then I sat down and started writing. It’s been a lot of work, but worth it.

Q. Do you have a favorite place or time to write? Do you try to keep to a specific writing schedule and strive for a certain amount of work per day?
I work a very demanding day job, so all of my writing occurs at night or on weekends. I did just redo the loft in my house as an official office. I have a cool little sectioned off desk that is littered with Starbuck doubleshot cans and about half a dozen pairs of earbud headphones. I always write to music. When I’m actively writing, I never know what the word count will be on a given book, so I like to set a page number goal per day. I write until it feels done.

Q. Are you working on any books/projects that you would like to share with us?
More Dirty Laundry, of course, but I also have a fun, full-length contemporary in final polish mode and almost ready for submission. I have an ongoing paranormal free read series on my website called “The Fix” and few (zillion) other ideas on the back burner.

Q. If you could change places with any of your characters which one would it be and why?
Well, the heroine, Bea, doesn’t make out too bad on this one, so I’d have to say her!

Q. Which character did you have the most fun creating and why?
Both mains were a lot of fun, but Eli was probably the most. He was fun to torture and frustrate.

Q. If you weren't writing, what would you want to be doing for a living and what do you like to do when you’re not writing?
I wanted to be (alternately) a theater actress or a newspaper reporter when I was growing up, but I ended up with a very different grown-up job in the medical field. When I’m not writing, I like to go antiquing (I collect vintage kitchen things – right now I’m working on a complete set of Corningware’s blue cornflower pattern), watch movies (I especially love foreign films and indie flicks), read, and I love to travel.

Q. If you could eat only one thing for the rest of your days, what would it be?
That’s a hard one! I would have to say anything Mediterranean.

Q. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you choose to be?
I’ve always wanted to go to Greece or Italy, but I also would love to visit more within the States. I’ve never even been to New York – maybe soon I’ll have a reason to go!

Thanks so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer my questions in this wonderful way, you've been a joy to interview! have truly enjoyed getting to know a bit more about you and hope my visitors will too! I
Thanks for having me, it’s been my pleasure!


As announced last week my Carina Week will not be without a fabulous giveaway, courtesy of Carina Press! Up for grabs here on the blog is one coupon code worth $ 15 to spend at Carina Press, buying the books you'd like to try out. Believe me, if what I've read is an indication, there is something for everybody and the books I've read were gems in their genres, each and every one of them. Okay, now to the important part. How can you win this coupon code? That's easy.

  • Just leave a (meaningful) comment on the posts during my Carina Week.
  • Each comment will give you an entry.
  • There will be 6 Carina Week blog-posts so that gives you a maximum of 6 entries if you comment on every post. Mind you, you don't have to comment on every post, it just gives you more chances if you do.
  • Make sure you leave your email address with your comment (or email it to me, through the contact link in the left sidebar if you don't want to publicly leave your email address) because it's needed to be able to claim the code.
  • On Saturday June 12th I'll tally up the entries and pick a winner via random.org

I also announced last week that there would be 2 coupon codes of $ 15 each so you might wonder, what of the other code. That one will be the prize in a Twitter-giveaway so if you want another chance at it...keep an eye on my Twitter-account this week and get tweeting because each tweet including the hashtag #CarinaWeek will be entered for the Twitter-giveaway.

So there you have it...2 chances to win an opportunity to get your mitts on some Carina Press gems!

Have fun! And hope to see a lot of you this week!


Inez Kelley said...

Hey!! Who are *YOU* calling purple?

Unknown said...

Hehe! :-D

Thank you for this very fun, interesting and insightful interview, I enjoyed reading it very much!

Coin Operated sounds like something I will have to check ;-p Off to read that paranormal series of yours! ;-)

stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com

JessieR said...

Sounds good... I am going to be a e-reader, just not sure which one yet. With more and more digital books I am joining in!

Natascha said...

Great interview! I loved it and Ginny I'm so with you on the scent of books, no matter how new they are or secondhand or whatever each book smells totally different and is like an aphrodisiac to me. if only they had book-scented incense, I would burn some everyday.

Nicole said...

I love the interview! I saw this book and immeditely added it to my TBR pile. =)

Armenia said...

Hey, Ginny, congratulations on your debut release. And that was a great interview, ladies. Looking forward to reading Coin Operated.

armiefox at yahoo dot com

Elaine G said...

great interview. Coin Operated sounds really good.

Leontine said...

The Dirty Laundry series sounds so very good but my mind got stuck on the visualisation of White chocolate macadamia nut cookies...I've got chocolate cravings at the moment and this sounds soooooo very sinful and soooooo very good. My taste buds are protesting the lack of chocolate LOL

I can only imagine the late night chats between you and Inez Kelley, what a hoot it must be to talk topics/themes and characters for the Dirty Laundry series :)

Christine said...

Ginny, you seem to be absolutely wonderful. I have to say, I'm not really into the erotic romance or BDSM. Yet I read the first chapter on Carina's website and I must say... I was intrigued and hooked in a way that was pretty unexpected! COIN OPERATED just might have to be one of my first Carina buys!

JenM said...

It's great how so many people have been inspired to write romance after reading Harlequins. You must be very happy that your book is actually being published by a Harlequin subsidiary.

jen at delux dot com

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39, married to my real life romance hero, addicted to TV shows, reading romance novels and Twitter. I'm a chronic (e)book hoarder and my absolute favorite genres within romance fiction are contemporary romance and romantic suspense, but I don't shy away from historical, paranormal or erotic romance either. Even the occasional (urban) fantasy romance, futuristic and sci fi romance may make it to my Mount TBR. This is my corner of the world wide web where I let you know what books I'm hoarding, reading and reviewing.
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